The world is currently faced with multiple crises that are mutually reinforcing. These crises come up against a dysfunctional international financial system that accelerats crises instead of helping to resolve them.
The power of large corporations has grown massively in recent decades. This has devastating consequences: they assert their interests, undermine democratic processes, and prevent urgently needed socio-ecological change.
Metallic raw materials are important building blocks for industry and the economy. However, the enormous hunger for raw materials leads to human rights violations and environmental problems in the mining areas. Through our work, we are committed to a globally just and ecologically sustainable raw materials policy.
WEED places global connections at the centre of its educational work and encourages people to help shape a fairer and more sustainable world. We offer workshops for children and young people for all years in primary and secondary education.
Multinational companies often condone human rights violations and environmental destruction for the sake of their profits. WEED is committed to a fundamental change in the global economic system to hold companies accountable.