Press & Media

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Press Releases & Open Letters

G20 must finally take steps towards a sustainable financial system

WEED calls for the shrinking of major banks and opposes public-private partnerships as a development model for Africa.

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TTIP Threatens Financial Market Regulation

52 organisations criticise the negotiations within the framework of the EU-US agreement on financial markets in an open letter

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Speculation makes food unaffordable - You don't gamble with food!

WEED and other organisations are calling on politicians to take action. The occasion is consultations at EU level.

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European Commission’s proposal for financial markets lacks teeth

NGOs critizise the Commission's proposals for a revision of MiFID and the new Regulation MiFIR: More robust rules needed to tackle food speculation

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NGOs welcome EP vote as a first step to tackle excessive food speculation

Today's vote in the ECON committee of the European Parliament has brought some progress in regulating commodity derivatives markets.

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The EU Commission launched the Communication "Trade, Growth and World Affairs. Trade Policy as a core component of the EU's 2020 strategy”

After the failure of the "Global Europe Strategy”, the new EU's 2020 trade strategy will reinforce the policies responsible for the economic, social and environmental crises.

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No World Bank Funding for Climate Change and Poverty

At the IDA replenishment meeting in Berlin, a broad coalition of environmental and development NGOs protests the harmful policy on energy and economic conditionalities of the World Bank.

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Lisbon summit 'betraying Africa'

Representatives of civil society from Africa and Europe meeting alongside the EU-Africa Summit in Lisbon, Portugal have released the following statement:

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