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Involve rights holders effectively in multi-stakeholder initiatives

Where we are and where we want to go - An assessment based on four examples

The paper breaks down the various dimensions of the serious involvement of rights holders in the context of MSIs, drawing on the experiences of various German MSIs as examples. The measures and demands formulated are based on the findings of the subscribing NGOs from their participation in MSIs and the exchange with rights holders and their representatives in the context of MSIs.

The multi-stakeholder initiatives (MSIs) established in Germany to shape corporate due diligence obligations in the areas of human rights, environmental protection and corruption mostly address the negative impacts of corporate activities on foreign production facilities and value chains of German industrial actors.State, business and civil society actors from Germany are primarily represented in the relevant dialog formats, while the stakeholder groups (rights holders) (potentially) negatively affected by corporate activities or their regional interest groups are usually not involved at all or only selectively in corresponding dialog formats. This results in a strong discrepancy between affectedness, representation and opportunities to exert influence in MSIs. However, in line with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UN Guiding Principles), the participation of rights holders is a central component of the human rights due diligence process. This important task of companies is also enshrined in the German Supply Chain Due Diligence Act and the EU Commission's draft for an EU Supply Chain Act.



  • Authors:
  • Typ: Positionspapier
  • Language: German
  • Categories: Menschenrechte und Wirtschaft


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