Quo Vadis, Procurement? Evidence - Control - Implementation
Workbook on the current status of eco-social procurement published.
Where do we stand in terms of eco-social procurement at municipal, state and European level? Based on current analyses, "Quo vadis, procurement?" identifies major gaps in the implementation and monitoring of municipal council decisions, provides a comprehensive presentation of the implementation status and scope of existing state procurement laws and drafts at state level and provides suggestions and experiences from other European countries.
What does it take to meet the requirements of sustainable public procurement? In the second part of the publication, the texts deal with legal issues surrounding the topic of verification. In addition, the results of a legal opinion on bidder declarations commissioned by CIR and WEED are summarized.
What alliances do we need to enter into and what strategies, activities and approaches are conducive to eco-social procurement? "Quo vadis, procurement?" takes a look at the cooperation between public administration and non-governmental organizations and deals with the combination of social and ecological criteria.
- Authors:
- Typ: Broschüre
- Language: German
- Categories: Öffentliche Beschaffung