Ambition and Momentum - Financing sustainable development for global justice
International civil society conference on the need for ambitious outcomes of the 4th International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) will take place in Sevilla, Spain from June 30 to July 3, 2025. FfD4 is expected to catalyse the urgently needed policy change to mobilize the necessary funds for sustaina-ble development and climate action. Therefore, it is expected to also set mile-stones in terms of reforming the international financial architecture.
From a civil society perspective, fundamental reforms of the international financ-ing system are imperative for reaching sustainable development and ending global poverty and hunger. A successful FfD4 outcome must at least include am-bitious agreements to systematically overhaul the international debt architec-ture, to advance a fair international tax system and to make multilateral financial institutions more inclusive and effective for countries of the Global South.
At the international civil society conference that is co-organised by various CSO and umbrella organizations, we will provide in-depth insights into key issues surrounding the financing of sustainable development. The pro-gram will include workshops on the link between development finance and hu-man rights, proposals for the taxation of high-net worth individuals and for over-coming the global debt crisis. We will also discuss ideas on how to better regulate international financial markets and on how to socially and ecologically safeguard private investments.
You will find the detailed conference programme and a link to register on the landing page.
WEED will be facilitating the workshop "How to Reform the International Financial Architecture for Fairer and More Equal Financing Costs":
High borrowing costs have driven debt burdens of developing countries to unprecedent-ed levels. Two aspects contribute to the high borrowing costs: country ratings by private credit rating agencies and country risk premiums. In this workshop we will look into how both severely limit the fiscal space for poverty reduction and sustainable development of countries in the Global South. We will present proposals for their reform in order to make the international financial architecture more resilient and fairer and to make lend-ing more affordable.
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